She gets it from her mama—and papa. The “she,” in this case, being Blue Ivy, BeyoncĂ© and Jay-Z’s first-born, and the “it” being a spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
from The Root https://ift.tt/2YyMgP5
Maybe Ben Carson reads The Root, because just one day after Senior Editor Stephen A. Crockett Jr. noted that Donald Trump’s apologist and only black Cabinet member had “done nothing for Baltimore” since becoming housing secretary, Carson hastily arranged a press conference in Baltimore to show off what he had.
I finally caved and bought a weighted blanket in November, and I swear I’m not exaggerating when I say it completely altered my existence on this small ball of water, dirt, and palpable stress we call Earth. Pre-weighted blanket, I was just your run-of-the-mill anxious insomniac, who spent each and every night…
It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of the Iconoclast Dinner Experience here at The Glow Up; after all, in addition to being a crew of foodies, The Root is one of its media partners. But one of the truly special things about this traveling culinary event series is that it was founded and is curated by a woman of…
There is a money movement called FIRE and it’s focused on millennials’ retirement plans. FIRE is an acronym for “Financial Independence, Retire Early.” Some young adults in their 30s—and even their 20s—are proving that retirement is no longer an age, it is a dollar amount determined to sustain a desired lifestyle.
From mindsets to minimalist living, the FIRE movement focuses on peace of mind, not just money. It is about building a financial cushion that gives you the peace of mind to do things that bring you fulfillment and contentment, by sacrificing during the early years of life.
However, for those of us who are more mature in age, that financial cushion may not be as established as we’d like to enjoy the longest vacation of our lives—retirement.
Here are five hot strategies to help you get on FIRE to retire regardless of age.
A person’s mindset is a powerful determinant of if they will succeed or fail in anything, especially financially. Based on the Law of Attraction, “like attracts like.” If debt and struggle are the main thoughts and focus then that is what will be attracted. In contrast, if wealth and happiness is the focus, that is what will be attracted and become a reality.
Transformation through Affirmations
Transformation of the mind requires practice. Many people use affirmations to transform to practice positive thinking.
Thoughts become Things
So, as you begin to get on FIRE to retire, remember what you believe has a significant impact on financial success. Think and focus on what is wanted, feel the excitement of receiving it, and enjoy the journey toward retirement.
Get in the habit of saving something as soon as possible. Put money in an account with limited access so you won’t be tempted to tap into it. Here are a few ways to start saving something sooner:
Stash Extra Cash
Putting extra cash from bonuses, tax refunds, or side hustles into a savings account is a great way to build a financial cushion.
Set It and Forget It
Arrange for a certain amount or a percentage of monthly income to automatically deposit into a savings account in a different financial institution separate from your checking account(s). Remove the temptation to transfer money from the savings account to the checking account so you can put FIRE into growing your nest egg.
There’s an APP for that!
There are several apps available to help consumers save automatically. Digit and Qapital are apps that automatically transfer money from a checking account to a savings account based on account behavior and stops transfers to avoid overdrafts.
Some monthly expenses cannot be changed quickly, like mortgage or rent. However, for those who speak the financial language of “spending,” the No. 1 budget buster is money spent on eating out, followed by shopping. Here are a few quick ways to put FIRE into cutting costs.
Downsize Dining Out
Dining out costs continues to rise faster than buying food from the grocery store. However, most people do not do well with cold turkey cost-cutting. Instead of eating out every day, reduce it to three to four times a week. After that becomes a habit, reduce it down to one to two days. Many are surprised at how much money is saved by eating at home.
Cut the Cord
Save hundreds of dollars quickly by canceling traditional cable and experiencing the wave of great new television shows and movies via live streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu.
Change Auto Insurance
After year two, auto insurance premiums usually begin to increase. Ask the insurance company for available discounts, like military, credit union member, or good driver. If a discount is not available, consider changing to another insurance company. Auto insurance is usually cheaper in the first two years.
Debt is the leading hindrance of savings for many people. Use these strategies to eliminate debt.
Tally Up
Write out everything you owe, the interest rate, and monthly payment you are paying. Knowing this information will help with determining the amount of debt owed, as well as determine the best debt elimination method to use.
Financial Abstinence
Avoid using credit cards or applying for unsecured loans while working on your debt elimination. Also, only consider refinancing or consolidation if there are a lower interest rate and payment, and the length of the loan is the same or less time as the original loan(s). Extending the term of the loan may lower the rate, but it will ultimately cost you more in interest payments over time.
Mission: Diminish Debt
There are several ways to pay off debt. However, the most popular methods are called the Snowball and Avalanche effect. The Snowball effect focuses on paying off smaller balances first, and then applies those payments to the next smaller debts until the planned debt elimination is complete. The Avalanche effect focuses on taking lump sums of money to eliminate debts. Whichever is selected, find a method that adds to a sense of accomplishment quicker.
Investing can be intimidating, especially when starting. Here are a few ways to start investing.
Start Small and Grow
Apps, like Acorns, allow consumers to start investing for as low as $5. Other apps, like Robinhood, Stash, and Stockpile, help consumers start investing and have an educational component included.
Take it to the Max
Contribute the maximum amount allowed into the employer-sponsored retirement program, like 401(K), 403(b), or 457 plans, especially if they match employee’s contribution. That’s free money. Contributing to a retirement saving plan not only reduces taxable income, but it accelerates retirement savings. If contributing the maximum percentage is not possible now, contribute at least 1% – 2%. Increase the contribution by 1% -2% every year until max contribution allowed or up to the employer’s contribution match.
Consult with a Professional
Although there is ample information on the internet, consulting with the right licensed investment adviser or financial consultant can save you time and money to find the best investment options to get you on FIRE to retire.
So, whether you are in your early 20s or enjoying your late 40s or more, it is never too soon or too late to get on FIRE to Retire.
Black Enterprise Contributors Network
Here’s five pounds (pounds!) of Albanese Candy Gummi Bears for $11. There are 12 flavors in the bag, and they have amazing reviews. I don’t know what else to tell you except that if you don’t buy them, you’re a cop.
President Trump was up past his bedtime watching the debates Tuesday night. Yes, he was wearing pajamas with the feet attached and was snacking on his pre-dinner meal of goat’s blood and baked bat wings smothered in mayonnaise when he took offense to a question asked by CNN’s Don Lemon, one of the moderates of the…
“It’s a dream come true,” says Laverne Cox of her history-making appearance on the cover of British Vogue’s September issue, as reported by People. Cox is the first transgender person to garner the coveted appearance, of which she said, “It’s been one of my biggest dreams and here it is.”
An HP Gaming Computers and Redragon Accessory Gold Box, a printer that is actually good, and Star Wars: The Complete Saga lead off Wednesday’s best deals from around the web.
DETROIT—Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was supposed to come to Detroit and prove to this mostly black city why its residents should trust her with their votes. She was supposed to present a vision of economic hope that would convince black women here, who are often impoverished heads of households and suffer…
Many consultants and business “coaches” are out there peddling shortcut solutions to business success. However, just as we have known for decades that a balanced diet and regular exercise is the key to good health, there are also tried and true methods for business success. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts or schemes that will make you successful in the long run. Diligence, a commitment to customer service, offering a quality product or service—all of these elements are crucial to establishing a profitable business enterprise. One element that is often overlooked is the importance of knowing how to network, even if it’s something that doesn’t come naturally.
Networking is critical to position your business for long-term growth. As a woman of color, I initially found it challenging to put myself out there in venues where most other business owners were white males. It is human nature to want to stay with what is comfortable to us and to do business with people most like ourselves. You may be able to grow your business initially by sticking to what you know and are familiar with but eventually, you are going to hit a wall that will make further growth difficult, if not impossible.
The first step to networking is to identify the type of networking group that is going to work best for you. There are open networking groups, like your local chamber of commerce and there are closed networking groups like BNI (Business Networking International). When you are first starting out you might feel intimidated by people in your industry that are already present in these groups. Especially as a woman of color, it can seem daunting when you first start out. Don’t be discouraged, you are unique and you bring a different perspective to the table. Believe in your services and provide good customer care, the business will speak for itself.
Once you determine which type of networking situation is most comfortable for you, you need to start attending that group regularly. Showing up once and deciding it’s not for you because you didn’t leave with a sale is not how networking works.
Business networking is a long-term project and not something you should expect to bear fruit immediately. A good analogy is that of being a gardener. When you are networking, you have to go in with the idea that you are planting seeds. Some of those seeds will sprout and grow and others will not, which is why it is important to plant as many of them as possible. Some may not germinate for quite a while only to bear a bountiful crop when you least expect it.
When you go into a networking meeting, you should enter with the idea that you are going to make a sincere effort to get to know everyone in the room. The initial goal isn’t to close a deal; it is to start building relationships! Go from group to group, put on a smile and offer a firm handshake. Ask the other people in attendance about their business, their families, what problems they are facing—allow the conversation to develop organically and naturally. If someone expresses frustrations or recounts a problem that you can help with, feel free to offer your advice but remember the purpose of these first meetings is to build relationships, not close deals.
Like any good gardener, you will need to be patient and tend your relationships. Periodically, you will need to circle back to people to see how they are doing and if you can offer any assistance. Just because someone is not an immediate prospect doesn’t mean that they can’t help you in other ways. It is a truism of human nature that we tend to do business with our friends, as a business owner you need all the friends you can get.
People in your network may introduce you to other hot prospects or they may help open doors for you that you couldn’t get through on your own. Alternatively, they may just become good friends; there is nothing wrong with having more friends! Above all else, be patient. Networking takes time but if you stick to a steady course, you will find yourself reaping greater rewards as time goes on. Business success is a marathon, not a sprint.
Black Enterprise Contributors Network
Trump is the president of the United States but he hasn’t let that job get in the way of his actual work—being a Grade A, self-centered Twitter troll. And as such, he has a tendency to retweet some of the most outlandish bullshit because he’s easily influenced and already compromised.
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Naomi Campbell is perhaps the most enduring and recognizable supermodel in the world, but as she revealed in an interview with Paris Match (translated from French via Google), her stardom is still no safeguard from racism. Saying “the challenge is permanent,” the model recounted an incident during the Cannes Film…
Black Tech Mecca, an organization based out of Chicago, recently received two grants to help expand their vision of creating a national black tech ecosystem.
The first grant awarded was from the Surdna Foundation whose mission is to support social justice reform, healthy environments, inclusive economies, and thriving cultures across the United States. The grant will support the building of an API tool that will make it easier for Black Tech Mecca to assess various cities’ black tech ecosystems, according to a recent press release.
The tool will allow the organization to quickly scale the assessment work that they have been performing in order to understand whether they have been effective in closing the digital divide and eradicating tech disparities for black people in the U.S. In the next five years, they will have accumulated enough data in both urban and rural cities across the U.S. to validate their case.
The next grant awarded was the Inclusion Open Grant launched by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. This grant will help build the National Black Tech Ecosystem Builder Association to support organizations that are committed to strengthening black tech entrepreneurs and tech innovators, STEM/CS educators and professionals, and tech startup policy advocates.
“We are compelled by the efforts of our BTE builders—especially black tech startup support organizations—who work hard to obtain the fundamental resources needed to ensure our community participates in the innovation economy,” stated CEO and co-founder Fabian Elliott in the press release.
The overarching goal is to assist and encourage all of the top black tech organizations to work together to build a unified and national black tech ecosystem to successfully and culturally guide black communities into unknown tech markets, STEM arenas, and AI/Big Data futures.
If your organization qualifies as such, you may fill out this form to find out how Black Tech Mecca can better support you.
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Since 2015, elite runner Caster Semenya has gone undefeated in the 800-meter event at the world track and field championships, but in a major setback, a major ruling means she won’t be allowed to compete in that event as long as she continues to refuse hormone treatments to reduce her testosterone levels.
An event to mark the 400th anniversary of the legislative start of Jamestown, Va.—the English colonial settlement that saw the first captive Africans arrive to these shores—was boycotted by much of the state’s black caucus, as well as other Democrats, and openly protested by another, due to the presence of one Donald…
JAMESTOWN, Va. (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump, under fire in Washington for verbal attacks on racial minority lawmakers, condemned American slavery on Tuesday at the 400th anniversary of the first legislative assembly in Virginia and was briefly interrupted by a protesting state legislator.
Trump gave a scripted speech at the site of the first legislative assembly in Jamestown, Virginia, after touring the Jamestownchurch and a mock 1619 village.
In his remarks, he honored the first people to form a government in what would become the United States but also recognized their importation of slaves in 1619 in the same region.
“It was the beginning of a barbaric trade of human lives,” he said. “Today in honor, we remember every sacred soul who suffered the horrors of slavery and the anguish of bondage.”
Trump‘s comments, in which he also honored African Americans’ contributions to U.S. history and quoted civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King Junior, followed two weeks of incendiary remarks about four Democratic women of color in the U.S. House of Representatives and an African-American lawmaker, Elijah Cummings, all of whom have been sharp critics of the president.
Trump has blasted Cummings for not doing more to improve the plight of Baltimore, a largely black city, which he said is rodent-infested. Trump has faced accusations of racism and bigotry for the remarks.
A protester interrupts U.S. President Donald Trump as he speaks at an event celebrating the 400th anniversary of the first meeting (July 30, 1619) of the Virginia state legislature in Historic Jamestowne in Williamsburg, Virginia (REUTERS/Carlos Barria)
Virginia’s black state legislators had said they would boycott Trump‘s appearance after his harsh comments about the minority members of Congress. A statement from the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus said it was “impossible to ignore the emblem of hate and disdain that the president represents” while he continues to “promulgate policies that harm marginalized communities and use racist and xenophobic rhetoric.”
Trump‘s address in Jamestown was interrupted briefly by Democratic Virginia Delegate Ibraheem Samirah, who shouted and held up a sign that said: “Go back to your corrupted home. Deport hate. Reunite my family and all those shattered by systemic discrimination.”
Samirah, a Palestinian American dentist, later said in a Twitter post that he had disrupted Trump‘s speech at Jamestown “because nobody’s racism and bigotry should be excused for the sake of being polite.”
I just disrupted the @realDonaldTrump speech in Jamestown because nobody's racism and bigotry should be excused for the sake of being polite. The man is unfit for office and unfit to partake in a celebration of democracy, representation, and our nation's history of immigrants. pic.twitter.com/0okD7eRVer
— Delegate Ibraheem Samirah (@IbraheemSamirah) July 30, 2019
“The man is unfit for office and unfit to partake in a celebration of democracy, representation and our nation’s history of immigrants,” Samirah said.
The Virginia Republican Party later released a statement accusing Samirah of being anti-Semitic.
(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Bill Trott)
It can be tough to find jewelry that is high-quality, but not costly. When you shop designer brands, you’re often paying for the name, and not the actual product. Jewelry can be marked up extensively in the price for that exact reason, but jewelry brand Ana Luisa looks to deliver quality products, at an affordable…
After years of being left out of the Marvel Universe as the arch-nemesis to everything black, including Colin Kaepernick, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, the NAACP and—no, I’m not kidding—love, Bill Owens, the infamous negro pastor and possessor of the homophobic Infinity Stone, finally got his day in the sun when he was…
As major retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target continue to one-up each other with the dizzying array of products they can deliver in two days or less and at no extra cost, consumers are becoming more and more accustomed to fast and free shipping. And small businesses are feeling the pressure to keep up.
Even marketplaces that are geared toward smaller vendors, like Etsy and Shopify, are pushing for entrepreneurs to get their goods into the hands of customers faster.
Against the backdrop of these increased consumer expectations—and the increased logistical challenges that e-commerce companies face—UPS recently announced several new initiatives.
In an exclusive statement to Black Enterprise, Kevin Warren, UPS’s chief marketing officer, shared how their new services benefit small businesses:
These days, online merchants are competing on shipping almost as much as they are competing on price. How is UPS helping small and medium-sized businesses improve their shipping offerings?
Shipping is just one component of delivering products to consumers. Logistics is all about choreographing the movement of goods, information and funds into one efficient, seamless supply chain. So, we’ve made it easier than ever for SMB customers to track deliveries, answer customer shipment questions, access real-time data, and streamline their shipping operations. Here are some examples:
Cross-border e-commerce is growing fast and is a significant opportunity for our SMB customers. To help our customers tap into this opportunity, we created UPS Worldwide Economy, an affordable and easy-to-use international service that allows SMBs to send lower-value, cross-border shipments to the top e-commerce markets around the world.
We are now providing later pickups for next-day Ground delivery, enabling SMB shippers to process more orders in a day. Later pickup times are available now to hubs covering 85% of the U.S.
We also understand how busy small businesses work, so we are also dramatically increasing the number and variety of locations where they can pick up and drop off packages. We just added Advance Auto Parts, CVS Pharmacy, and Michaels stores, bringing our total number of Access Point locations to 21,000.
Small businesses juggle many tasks trying to run their business, and logistics shouldn’t be one of them. UPS helps them maximize their supply chains so they can focus on what they do best.
The shipping wars have left many smaller e-commerce businesses at the mercy of major retailers. What is UPS hearing from its small and medium-sized business clients about their pain points when it comes to shipping?
Our customers want more convenience, choice, and control over their shipping and delivery so they can better serve their customers and compete globally.
That’s why we just launched My Choice for business, a tracking platform that allows small businesses to compete with their larger competitors. This visibility and tracking tool (that traditionally only larger businesses had access to) lets them better manage when and how they receive and ship packages. Now small businesses can self-register for a tool that actively improves their business processes around inbound receiving, outbound shipping, and customer service. New inbound delivery alerts (“day before” and “day of” delivery) along with delivery change options that will come in October will enable small businesses to improve their end customers’ experience.
Knowing more precisely when they will receive shipments through tighter estimated delivery windows will help them improve their receiving business processes and gain better visibility over their inventory. With a better picture of their inventory, small business owners can avoid the costs of keeping extra stock on-hand.
By helping SMBs improve their inbound receiving, shipping, and customer service processes, UPS is helping them operate more efficiently and compete in a global marketplace.
President Trump does this thing that I used to do when I was a cheater. That thing is lying. But it’s not just lying, it’s a form of lying that isn’t easy to disprove. It looks like this: You make a claim and then claim that said claim is supported by hundreds if not thousands of people.
Sentient Stacy Adams shoebox Jason Whitlock is trending again today, for the same reason that his name appears on my timeline when it does. A popular black athlete said or did something moderately cool, and this act offended Whitlock’s sensibilities enough for him cast judgment on said athlete with the fury of 27…
If you’ve been looking for a down pillow to add to your ever-growing collection of pillows, you’re in luck. The Casper Down Pillow is here to give you the best night’s sleep. Down pillows are often softer and more moldable than regular pillows, which means they can work for all sleeping positions, from the fetal…
Here at The Glow Up, we regularly celebrate the current trailblazers in the fashion industry, but less often do we honor the dwindling number of pioneers who broke ground for those trails to be blazed. One of those groundbreakers was designer Arthur McGee, who we recently learned died on July 1 in New York City,…
In the 1970s, environmentalism rose the forefront of the American consciousness, culminating in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and a slew of laws to curb pollution. But despite the push to clean up air and water, low income communities and communities of colors have still had to disproportionately…
To hear the president tell it, he was with John F. Kennedy the night before he was shot and Trump warned JFK that riding in a convertible wasn’t a good move. Trump was also with Neil Armstrong on the moon, although he wasn’t pictured in any of the shots. Before the 1981 NFC Championship game, Trump told Joe Montana…
Each year since 1990, Roll Call has reviewed the financial disclosures of all U.S. senators, representatives, and delegates to determine the wealthiest members of Congress.
According to a statement on Roll Call’s site, estimating each politician’s net worth involves “examining the finances of members of Congress since 1990 by combing through their annual financial disclosure reports. This Wealth of Congress study comes from compiling more than 28,000 rows of data from the most recent filings — snapshots of the assets and liabilities of every House member and senator just as their service in the 115th Congress began. (For almost every lawmaker, that’s New Year’s Eve 2016; the seven winners of special elections in 2017 filed during their campaigns.)”
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., came in at number one as an outrageously wealthy peson on Capitol Hill. He has a reported net worth of $283.3M, down from $357.3 million in 2013 according to Roll Call.
Rounding out the top five and their reported net worth:
#2. Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-Montana) – $135.7 million
#3. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colorado) – $122.6 million
#4. Rep. Dave Trott (R-Michigan) – $119.1 million
#5. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) – $113 million
Unfortunately, among the current 52 African American members of Congress, not a single person of color made the top 50. Which got us thinking. Which African American United States House Representatives and Senators are the closest to getting their names written in gold on the roll call top 50?
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE)
Estimated net worth: $4.5 million
Rep. Al Green (D-TX)
Estimated net worth: $2.5 million
Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-Virginia)
Estimated net worth: $2.4 million
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH)
Estimated net worth: $1.5 million
Rep. Al Lawson (D-FL)
Estimated net worth: $1.5 million
Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL)
Estimated net worth: $1 million
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Estimated net worth: $0.8 million
Rep. David Scott (D-GA)
Estimated net worth: $0.8 million
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Estimated net worth: $0.7 million
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD)
Estimated net worth $0.6 million
In case you were wondering, Senator Kamala Harris, and presidential contender, did not make the top 10 list. According to Roll Call she ranks #286 out of 530 members of Congress with an estimated net worth of $0.4 million.
-Editors’ note: This article has been updated since its original publish date in 2015 for accuracy.
As if one major college-related scandal weren’t enough in a year, there comes this news: wealthy parents in Illinois are reportedly scamming financial aid for their college-bound children by transferring guardianship to someone else, freeing up said children to claim financial independence. Is this pretty unethical?…
A First Alert Gold Box, a Kohler bidet, ThermoWorks probe, and a Levi’s sale lead off Tuesday’s best deals from around the web.
In the rich tapestry of history, the threads of Black LGBTQ+ narratives have often been overlooked. This journey into their stories is an ...