Malcolm X - Radio Documentary (1992)
In the 20th Century, few Americans have made such a powerful impact upon society as Malcolm X. Speaking out against the social oppression and economic exploitation of the Black American in the early 1960s, the dynamic leader championed a wave of race pride and back nationalism until his assassination in 1965. This illuminating biographical portrait documents the site of Malcolm X, tracing his career as both a black activist and an influental Crusader for the Nation of Islam. The program includes recorded excerpts from the speeches of Malcolm X along with commentary from his widow, persona/ acquaintances and noted historians to provide stirring insight into the life of an ideological hero. _ This program was produced for NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIOs newsmagazine ALL THINGS CONSIDERED. NPR produces and distributes award-v\Annhg news and information and arts and performance programming that is broadcast clay more than 400 noncommercial public radio stations throughout America. Shared for historical purposes. I do not own the rights. ##### Reelblack's mission is to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through Black film. If there is content shared on this platform that you feel infringes on your intellectual property, please email me at and with details and it will be promptly removed.
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The Human Right to Water
45 minutes ago