
Tupac Amaru Shakur, " I'm Loosing It...We MUST Unite!"

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Doin’ It for the Vine: The Iconoclast Dinner Experience Brings an All-Female Chef Roster to Martha’s Vineyard

It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of the Iconoclast Dinner Experience here at The Glow Up; after all, in addition to being a crew of foodies, The Root is one of its media partners. But one of the truly special things about this traveling culinary event series is that it was founded and is curated by a woman of…


from The Root

Former Auto Mechanic Carl Allamby Earns Medical Degree at 47

Good Black News recently read an inspiring story at about Dr. Carl Allamby, 47, a career auto mechanic who…


Millennials, Are You On ‘FIRE’ to Retire?

There is a money movement called FIRE and it’s focused on millennials’ retirement plans. FIRE is an acronym for “Financial Independence, Retire Early.” Some young adults in their 30s—and even their 20s—are proving that retirement is no longer an age, it is a dollar amount determined to sustain a desired lifestyle.

From mindsets to minimalist living, the FIRE movement focuses on peace of mind, not just money. It is about building a financial cushion that gives you the peace of mind to do things that bring you fulfillment and contentment, by sacrificing during the early years of life.

However, for those of us who are more mature in age, that financial cushion may not be as established as we’d like to enjoy the longest vacation of our lives—retirement.

Here are five hot strategies to help you get on FIRE to retire regardless of age.

 “FIRE” Strategy for Millennials’ Retirement 

Mindset Matters

A person’s mindset is a powerful determinant of if they will succeed or fail in anything, especially financially. Based on the Law of Attraction, “like attracts like.” If debt and struggle are the main thoughts and focus then that is what will be attracted. In contrast, if wealth and happiness is the focus, that is what will be attracted and become a reality.

Transformation through Affirmations

Transformation of the mind requires practice. Many people use affirmations to transform to practice positive thinking.

Thoughts become Things

So, as you begin to get on FIRE to retire, remember what you believe has a significant impact on financial success. Think and focus on what is wanted, feel the excitement of receiving it, and enjoy the journey toward retirement.


Save Something Sooner

Get in the habit of saving something as soon as possible. Put money in an account with limited access so you won’t be tempted to tap into it. Here are a few ways to start saving something sooner:

Stash Extra Cash

Putting extra cash from bonuses, tax refunds, or side hustles into a savings account is a great way to build a financial cushion.

Set It and Forget It

Arrange for a certain amount or a percentage of monthly income to automatically deposit into a savings account in a different financial institution separate from your checking account(s). Remove the temptation to transfer money from the savings account to the checking account so you can put FIRE into growing your nest egg.

There’s an APP for that!

There are several apps available to help consumers save automatically. Digit and Qapital are apps that automatically transfer money from a checking account to a savings account based on account behavior and stops transfers to avoid overdrafts.


Cut Costs

Some monthly expenses cannot be changed quickly, like mortgage or rent. However, for those who speak the financial language of “spending,” the No. 1 budget buster is money spent on eating out, followed by shopping. Here are a few quick ways to put FIRE into cutting costs.

Downsize Dining Out

Dining out costs continues to rise faster than buying food from the grocery store. However, most people do not do well with cold turkey cost-cutting. Instead of eating out every day, reduce it to three to four times a week. After that becomes a habit, reduce it down to one to two days. Many are surprised at how much money is saved by eating at home.

Cut the Cord

Save hundreds of dollars quickly by canceling traditional cable and experiencing the wave of great new television shows and movies via live streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu.

Change Auto Insurance

After year two, auto insurance premiums usually begin to increase. Ask the insurance company for available discounts, like military, credit union member, or good driver. If a discount is not available, consider changing to another insurance company. Auto insurance is usually cheaper in the first two years.

Pay Off Debt

Debt is the leading hindrance of savings for many people. Use these strategies to eliminate debt.

Tally Up

Write out everything you owe, the interest rate, and monthly payment you are paying. Knowing this information will help with determining the amount of debt owed, as well as determine the best debt elimination method to use.

Financial Abstinence

Avoid using credit cards or applying for unsecured loans while working on your debt elimination. Also, only consider refinancing or consolidation if there are a lower interest rate and payment, and the length of the loan is the same or less time as the original loan(s). Extending the term of the loan may lower the rate, but it will ultimately cost you more in interest payments over time.

Mission: Diminish Debt

There are several ways to pay off debt. However, the most popular methods are called the Snowball and Avalanche effect. The Snowball effect focuses on paying off smaller balances first, and then applies those payments to the next smaller debts until the planned debt elimination is complete. The Avalanche effect focuses on taking lump sums of money to eliminate debts. Whichever is selected, find a method that adds to a sense of accomplishment quicker.


Investing can be intimidating, especially when starting. Here are a few ways to start investing.

Start Small and Grow

Apps, like Acorns, allow consumers to start investing for as low as $5. Other apps, like Robinhood, Stash, and Stockpile, help consumers start investing and have an educational component included.


Take it to the Max

Contribute the maximum amount allowed into the employer-sponsored retirement program, like 401(K), 403(b), or 457 plans, especially if they match employee’s contribution. That’s free money. Contributing to a retirement saving plan not only reduces taxable income, but it accelerates retirement savings. If contributing the maximum percentage is not possible now, contribute at least 1% – 2%. Increase the contribution by 1% -2% every year until max contribution allowed or up to the employer’s contribution match.

Consult with a Professional

Although there is ample information on the internet, consulting with the right licensed investment adviser or financial consultant can save you time and money to find the best investment options to get you on FIRE to retire.

So, whether you are in your early 20s or enjoying your late 40s or more, it is never too soon or too late to get on FIRE to Retire.

Black Enterprise Contributors Network 

from Black Enterprise

Five Pounds of Gummi Bears For $11 Is the Best Deal of the Day

Here’s five pounds (pounds!) of Albanese Candy Gummi Bears for $11. There are 12 flavors in the bag, and they have amazing reviews. I don’t know what else to tell you except that if you don’t buy them, you’re a cop.


from The Root

Guess Who Donald Trump Thinks Is the Dumbest Man in Television? Hint: He’s Black

President Trump was up past his bedtime watching the debates Tuesday night. Yes, he was wearing pajamas with the feet attached and was snacking on his pre-dinner meal of goat’s blood and baked bat wings smothered in mayonnaise when he took offense to a question asked by CNN’s Don Lemon, one of the moderates of the…


from The Root

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